CSR performance

The Group's extra-financial results are regularly monitored and reflect its performance in terms of corporate social responsibility (CSR).
CSR experts : performance monitoring

CSR experts : performance monitoring




Altarea aims to be a general interest partner of cities. The Group develops high-quality real estate solutions to create a denser, more diverse, friendly, connected, job-creating, and economically developing city with a reduced environmental footprint.

Highlights of 2023

In 2023, Altarea’s CSR results demonstrate its commitment to developing sustainable real estate projects: continuation of CO2 emission reduction goals, increase in the alignment rate with the European taxonomy, acceleration of work with brands to align their strategies with the Group’s ‘Tous Engagés!’ approach…»

Lifestyles, behaviours, aspirations… customer expectations are changing and, across all of its activities, the Group engages in dialogue and listens: customer satisfaction is the Group’s top priority and it is also achieved through quality of life and well-being in its projects which, in addition, boost their long-term economic value.

Hightlights of 2023 

In 2023, the Group’s results meet its ambitions: Cogedim is at the top of the HCG-Les Echos customer relationship rankings and obtains 4.5 stars out of 5 with a satisfaction rate of 91% and a recommendation rate of 97% on the Immodvisor platform. In parallel, the entire Group maintains its ambitious certification approach with 100% of operations certified for quality and/or environment.

In order to support its growth and meet new urban challenges, in 2018 the Group reaffirmed its commitment to job creation and talent management.

Hightlights of 2023 

Altarea reaffirms its commitment to well-being at work by being certified as a Top Employer again. The Group also continued its skill development policy in 2023 with 100% of employees trained during the year through at least one learning action.

99 %

of residential and business property projects

are less than 500 metres from public transport links

100 %

of developments

are quality and/or environmentally certified

Cap 3000

first BiodiverCity®

certified shopping center in the world

2 151


at 31/12/2023


CO2 emissions

since 2019

Recognised levels of performance

In 2023, several non-financial rating agencies assessed Altarea’s CSR performance which is built around the Group’s strategy “Tous engagés!”, supported by each teams and brands :

Recognised levels of performance

S&P Global Ratings

Altarea has been rated by S&P for several years and obtains 49/100 in 2023. The Group belongs in the 1st rating decile among its peers. S&P ranks Altarea ESG risk as “low


Since 2019, Sustainalytics rates the Group’s ESG risks as “low”, making Altarea to maintain a stable rating.


In 2023, Altarea was rated BBB by MSCI, equalling sector average. Altarea also continues to outperform the sector average on environmental issues.

Green Star 5* / GRESB

Altarea has responded to the GRESB (Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark) and has confirmed its "Green Star 5*" status until 2022. Ranked 3rd among listed retail companies in Europe with a score of 90/100, Altarea has obtained an A rating for transparency, a token of quality, reliability, and the exhaustive scope of its CSR reporting

Gaïa Rating / Ethifinance

EthiFinance (ex Gaïa) evaluated Altarea since 2017. With a rating of 73/100 in 2023, EthiFinance highlights that the Group continues to progress regarding CSR issues

Prime status by ISS ESG

ISS ESG is one of the world’s leading extra-financial rating agencies.

In 2019, it once again awarded the Group “Prime” status

Award-winning projects

Award-winning projects

In November 2018, the CAP3000 refurbishment project received the 2018 Corporate and Environmental Award from the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition and ADEME, in the Biodiversity category.

This recognition emphasises the efforts undertaken to meet environmental and biodiversity demands, and more particularly, the partnership entered into with the League for the Protection of Birds (LPO).

Sustainable development goals

Altarea is committed to external global bodies, in particular by contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as the Global Compact's social responsibility initiative.

Sustainable development goals

United Nations Global Compact

Altarea is committed to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) initiative.

Find out more

Altarea is committed to the United Nations Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labour , the environment and anti-corruption.

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In order to collectively anticipate regulatory developments and share best practice in sustainability, the Group is an active member of several organisations :

Paris Action Climat : Altarea has been a signatory to the Charte Paris Action Climat since 2015, and renewed its commitment to the City of Paris by signing the Paris Action Climat Biodiversity Pact in 2022.
Altarea is committed to contributing to the development of a low-carbon economy and the strengthening of nature in Paris.

OID : The Observatoire de l’Immobilier Durable (OID), the sustainable property observatory is an independent general interest association which seeks to promote sustainability in construction. The Group is a founding member.
Since April 2023, Altarea has been a partner and member of the strategy committee of Label’ID, an initiative of the OID and the Université de la Ville de Demain whose objective is to improve the skills of all real estate professionals on Sustainable development issues.
Lastly, the Group also contributes to the association’s publications such as the OID Baromètre de l’immobilier responsable (Responsible real estate survey).
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L’Université de la Ville de Demain: Led by the Fondation Palladio , the Université de la Ville de Demain is a movement that aims to build an unprecedented mode of cooperation between public sector, private players and civil society to promote a low-carbon city for all (France Géoénergie . development of family boarding houses, etc.). Altarea is a founding member of this movement. Several initiatives cited in this chapter come from the refl ections of the Université de la Ville de Demain .
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BIG : Altarea is also a founding member of the Biodiversity Impulsion Group (BIG) initiative, led by the OID, aimed at developing a common framework to improve the biodiversity footprint of real estate projects and better reconcile the urban and ecological functions of the regions.
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CIBI: The Group is a member of the Conseil International Biodiversité et Immobilier (CIBI) . As such, it signed the BiodiverCity® charter in 2018, committing to preserving the biodiversity of cities and integrating living things into all urban projects.
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BBCA: The Group is a member of the Bâtiment Bas Carbone (BBCA) association and takes part in working towards low-carbon construction.
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Booster du Réemploi :Altarea is a member of the Booster du Réemploi , an environmental transformation programme for companies that aims to structure and develop demand for reuse materials.
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Booster des ENR&R : Altarea is also a member of the Booster des Énergies Renouvelables et de Récupération, a programme that aims to kickstart use of local energies to create more resilient real estate.
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Paris & Co : In 2023, Altarea joined the “Vers une ville Low Tech ” initiative of Paris & Co, the innovation agency for Paris and the metropolis. This network of partners is examining ways of designing the city in order to co-build effi cient solutions and meet the major challenges of the century.
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Institut de la Transition Foncière : The Institut de la Transition Foncière is an association of stakeholders in sustainable land management. Altarea is a partner of this organisation alongside other companies, associations, research institutions and public operators.
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Net Zero Initiative 4 Real Estate : Altarea is participating in the Net Zero Initiative 4 Real Estate (NZI4RE) project, which aims to bring together real estate companies and experts to develop a practical guide to carbon neutrality for developers.

Organisations professionnelles : The Group actively participates in discussions on CSR-related topics at the Fédération des Acteurs du Commerce dans les Territoires (formerly CNCC), the Fédération des Entreprises Immobilières (FEI) and the Fédération des Promoteurs Immobiliers (FPI) .

Charte de la diversité : The Group is committed to the fight against discrimination and has been a signatory of the Charte de la diversité since December 2013.
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