Share price
Altarea is a REIT (SIIC status) listed on Euronext Paris since the end of 2004. Find here stock market information and real-time stock market price.
- Ticker :
- Isin :
- Reuters : IMAF.PA
- Bloomberg : ALTAFP
- Place of listing : Euronext Paris
- Market : Compartment A
- Number of shares outstanding :
- Eligible for DSS: yes
- Eligible for PEA: no
- Brokers : Invest Securities, Kepler Cheuvreux, Oddo BHF Corporate & Markets, Société Générale
Data as at 31 July 2019
- Latest price €
- Chg. D-1 €
- Chg. D-1 (%) %
- Market capitalisation
- Opening price €
- Previous closing price €
- High €
- Low €
- Volume traded
- Performance over the year %
Source : Euronext Paris
Top: Euro stock market price per share.
Bottom: Volumes traded in thousands.
Date | Opening | Highest | Lowest | Closing | Volume |
Stock market price data in euros per share, and volumes over past five trading sessions in number of shares traded.